Dragons for everyone!

As the final achievement in our quest for those Bloodbathed beauties rightly states, we have been waiting a hell of a long time for this! With two achievements remaining for the majority of Sunday's raid, we knew what we had to do and we certainly had fun doing it!

Singradosa on normal mode was all about debuff stack management and good comms from the tanks. We had to wipe it a few times due to dodgy tomb placement, but tanking her next to the ledge made life so much easier (thank you Mr Boring Youtube Voiceover Man!).

The 30 stacks of Necrotic Plague took a few tries as well, until we settled on dispelling the first two lots away from the raid before infecting the cookie zombies and their shamling, horrific associates. For a guild that regularly strolls through normal mode LK, we sure made it stressful for ourselves! The final 10% was done with one tank and two healers (painful!), but when we felt Frostmourne's fury we knew we were home safe.

We quickly grabbed our drakes via a portable mailbox, then hearthed back to Dalaran for a bit of showing off. The decision to take a guild picture atop the non-instanced Frozen Throne was a noble one, foiled only by the zone phasing. Instead, we settled on a pyramid screenshot on one of Dalaran's floaty rocks!

Many thanks to Rudid's rogue friend who was kind enough to help us make up the numbers (damn Shijo's computer repair man!) -- enjoy your shiny Kingslayer title!

Next on our agenda is LK heroic! Oh lordy!