Raid Bench / Standbys:
10 DKP for being online for invites.
10 DKP for being replacing someone mid-raid.

New Content:
20 DKP per Boss Kill
40 DKP per First Kill on progression bosses
30 DKP per Hour - wiping on progression bosses.
10 DKP per Hour - If no farm bosses are killed.

Old content:
5 DKP per Boss Kill
5 DKP Minimum Bid

Firstly we state the item in raid chat.
We allow people to state either "MS" (Main-Spec) or "OS" (Off-Spec) for their bid.
If there is more than one bidder we go to blind bidding.
Bidding is done via whisper to a designated individual.
You only get 1 Bid per item. There are no fixed prices.

Minimum Bid is 20 DKP for new content.
Minimum Bid is 5 DKP for old content.
Members have priority over Trialists.
Members & Trialists have priority over Alts.
If you are bidding for an Off-Spec item against someone who needs it for their Main Spec you need to double their bid to get the item.

We are currently trialing the new and stylish in-game DKP add-on; EminentDKP.

Due to a most unproffessional accident by our original DKP hosters, the free to use website; WebDKP, we are currently using EminentDKP for our overall Guild standings and hope to use it in future for our Raid bidding. However, extra add-on options are not available to us for us to use our current DKP system entirely through EminentDKP yet.

We hope in the future this will change so we can wholly migrate to using EminentDKP for all our Guild's DKP requirements.