Bastion of Twilight

For last night's raid, we decided to park Blackwing Descent for the time being and make our way to the giddy heights of the Bastion of Twilight. It was our understanding that this instance offered the path of least resistance when it came to juicy loot, so we wiped the drool off our chins and stepped through the portal.

We quickly cleared the trash leading up to Wyrmbreaker, despite being pee'd on by numerous orbs and falling through the floor when our glorious leader sent us to the naughty corner. We spent a fair few attempts gibbing our tanks on this encounter, until we settled on a less painful dragon releasing strategy, allowing us to stabilise phase 1 and cakewalk phase 2, easily downing him before his enrage kicked in.

The twin dragons were next on the agenda, and we were surprised just how easy they were. The first attempt ended abruptly, when an itchy decurse 'finger' (or should I say 'branch') blew up the melee, but it didn't take long for us to learn the twilight reptiles' abilities, quickly down them and yoink their delicious epics.

Four baddies down, eight to go!
