
After the usual tactical deliberations and preparations we pulled our big boy (and girl) pants up, travelled to the Throne of the Four Winds and gave the Conclave of Wind a whirl.

And then it died.

Despite having seemingly complex mechanics the fight took us no more than 3 tries to master and became without a shadow of a doubt the easiest fight we’ve done so far in Cataclysm. There’s potential for it to be quite good in heroic mode but at the moment it’s nearer to free loot than the Chess Event. This, however, left us with plenty of time to fall off ledges and play with walls of tornadoes on Al’Akir. So much time in fact that we all together forgot to take a screenshot of the proceeding kill. So far Al’Akir looks like a nicely tuned and most importantly fun fight, with our best try around the 40% mark… Watch this space!

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