Look. Kill these Bosses and I’ll buy you dinner, okay?

Way back when on our second raid of Cataclysm we gave Maloriak a go with about an hour‘s worth of attempts and admittedly it seemed quite doable but we were just falling short of a kill. We couldn’t quite decide the best method of dealing with the mechanics with our Off Tank at the time.

Now, nearly 2 months later, on a quite shoddy second attempt; the drakanoid fell to the… ahem, “might” of Entourage? Maybe… but I think that dashing new Off Tank probably clinched it.

Chimaeron on the other hand took us slightly longer to kill but really it ended up being a matter of simple practice and execution with the odd tactical tweak here and there. Truthfully these two bosses were sort of disappointing both in terms of difficulty and simplicity; let’s hope Atramedes provides us with ample entertainment on Tuesday.

In other news Mr. Al’akir has been swallowing most of our raid time recently and we’ve had several <10% wipes with even a 400k HP attempt. The windy behemoth should be well within our grasps in the upcoming weeks alongside returning to Cho’gall in BoT and taking a glimpse at Nefarian 2.0.

I'll leave you with a short extract of one of our Chimaeron attempts;

- Rístíque